Gary Schuller
How to Negotiate Anything features Gary Schuller, founder of The Business Marketplace, a place for business owners to come together to meet, buy, sell and connect. Gary has spoken to audiences all over the world and has been engaged by large corporations to teach their staff how to negotiate. Speak to anybody who knows him, and they’ll agree that Gary can (figuratively) sell not just ice cream, but the whole refrigerator, to eskimos. What is his secret? Watch the video to hear how even psychologists engaged to find out, couldn’t get to the bottom of his success. To Gary, being a good negotiator is not about being able to follow a script. He knows of close colleagues who tried that and failed miserably. In this program, Gary shares what he considers to be the building blocks to becoming good at negotiating anything. Learn from a master.
The Business Marketplace – www.thebusinessmarketplaceglobal.com

Pat Grosse
Pat is the owner of The Community Entrepreneur, a business set up to help not-for-profits and small business owners step outside of their day-to-day operations, to focus on their dreams. Through her ‘entrepreneurial thinking’ mentoring program and approach to strategic planning, Pat has transformed mindsets of boards, managers and individuals, to embrace innovation and confidently create positive change. Pat has secured millions of dollars in grants to help clients kick-start their dreams. Pat is also the author of “The Intuitive Marketer”, a must-read for new business owners and a unique insight into how technology is just a marketing tool and not the fear inspiring, got-to-get-it-right or else solution.
The Community Entrepreneur – www.thecommunityentrepreneur.com

The Community Entrepreneur
For over 10 years, The Community Entrepreneur has been supporting entrepreneurial organisations and the people in them, to get to where they want to be, and make an impact for their community. Using this experience, we motivate and support innovators to step up, think outside the box and change the world, community by community.

The Business Marketplace
The Business Marketplace Global has been designed to serve and delight people in Business to build their Business! How you may ask? The Team at The Business Marketplace Global work for their Members, building their Business and providing a dynamic environment conducive to raising more invoices! It has a robust and proven formula and system that drives it! Find out more by coming to one of our Monthly Connect meetings and see it in action!